We have detailed information in a structured format which will assist a search for genealogy in the parish of Bathford.
The census records at ten year intervals from 1841 to 1911 have been entered into downloadable Excel files and there is a combined file with all the records. A search by name on the combined census file will locate all the occurrences across time and Excel has facilities for sorting and filtering the results. Click on Census Data to access these files.
The early census records have basic information - there are no house numbers but a property may be identified by its position relative to other named properties on the basis that they were recorded in sequence along the road.
Local directories were published from 1854 to 1940, initially every two years and later every year. These have details of the residents, their occupation and in some cases their address and provide information between the census dates and after the last published census. These have also been loaded to Excel files and there is a single file with all the directory entries for this period. There is a separate file for the 1950 Kelly directory. Click on Trade Directories to access these files.
The Parish of St Swithun Registers of Births, Marriages and Burials for the period 1602-1809 and the Registers of Burial only for the period 1810 to 1967 are available as downloadable files on the Public Records page.
The entire register of births marriages and deaths for Bath area for the period 1837 to 2007 has been formatted for internet access by a team of enthusiasts and is available on-line. Click on Bath Register of Births Marriages and Deaths for this website.
The records from these sources are beyond the scope of the Search facility at the top right of the screen.